July 18, 2017 – Meeting Minutes

P.O. BOX 538

GENERAL MEETING: July 18, 2017

Begin meeting: 6:00pm

President: Ali Smith
VP: Van Baker
Secretary: Tina Sommer

Treasurer: Donna Colee
General Checking: $10.658.86
Jean Romine Trust: $21,439.81
Total funds as of Feb 12, 2017: $32,098.67

Minutes from last meeting approved and filed

Terri spoke about the Jean Romine Trust. It was given to the SJCHC 2 years ago with the express intent that it be used to benefit our members. It has been used to start a scholarship fund that will benefit youth in our county who are going into an equine related career. We awarded a scholarship this year for a young person to attend the 4-H horsemanship school.

Van Baker read a complete list of all of our sponsors. Thank you to everyone who has supported the SJCHC over the years.

Committee Reports:

1. Equestrian Center updates: 4 outside stalls, judges stand, cavaletti’s, small announcement board between arenas, tractor, arena dragging implement, sprinklers, dressage arena.

2. SJCHC Updates:
a.Tina updated us on schooling jumping shows at the EC. Tira talked about the upcoming NEFL Pleasure Shows, Ali and Donna talked about Drum Runners and the Obstacle Challenges at the EC.

b. Donna spoke to remind us that any member can run or start a show or a clinic. Just bring a proposal to the Board for approval.

c. Terri- SJCHC Mission Statement: The Horse Council belongs to the members. The Board ensures that the property is protected and managed properly. The Horse Council is not about one particular discipline. Members are always welcome to come to Board meetings

3. Advisory Committee update- Terri talked about the Advisory Committee which is responsible for the over sight of scholarships, 4-H Sponsorship and other committees,

4. Mounted Archery- Sandy Stokey invited Kersten Prinz (please correct spelling!) to talk about mounted archery. Kersten shared her story about discovering this emerging sport and has agreed to work on setting up a clinic at the EC. Archers Point Stables in Ocala Ali and Kersten will work together to make that happen. Look for the Mounted Archery Association of America (M3) for more information.

5. Saltwater Show Series- Jenny and Carrie shared a power point presentation with us. Look up Saltwater Show Series on Facebook to see the FBLive recording of that presentation. Or look up SaltWaterShowSeries.com

6.SJCHC Trails Committee update- Linda Matzke, Julie Beezley, Mary Farr and Judy Simms. They spoke about the number of trails in SJC, how they are managed, the fight to get unpaved, multi-use trails to be developed in SJC and the supporters that they have found on the way. For more information and updates on what’s happening with SJC trails, see SJC Greenway Trails Coalition on FB

7. Open Discussion/Suggestions

a. Dressage Arena, Terri will put out a request for volunteers on FB to help set up the dressage arena.

b. Take your horses to the beach!! Beach passes are easy to get, go to http://www.co.st-johns.fl.us/HCP/Riding.aspx to learn how to get your beach pass and when and where horses are permitted at the beach.

c. Terri talked about the trail head that is being put in from the EC to the Yarborough track, which is 1103 acres that has been designated for recreational use with unpaved, multi-use trails throughout. Talk to Terri for more info

d. Ali announced- Memberships are now from Jan 1-Dec 31 of each year. A sheet with members emails and contact info was passed around for members to confirm their emails are correct and membership status and information is up to date.

Upcoming Events

a. August 5- Drum Runners
b. Sept 2 Drum Runners
c. Sept 30 NEFL Open Show
d. Oct. 7- Welaka Poker Ride (see flier on SJCHC website)
e. Oct 14 Obstacle Day
f. Oct 22- Cracker Day
g. Oct 1- Possible Ranch clinic
h. Dec 2- NEFL Championship Show

Adjourned 8:03PM

Posted in Meeting Minutes.