P.O. BOX 538
BOARD MEETING: June 12, 2017
Begin meeting: 6:35pm
President: Ali Smith
VP: Van Baker
Secretary: Tina Sommer
Last meeting minutes will be emailed to council members
Greenways Trail Alliance update- Judy Simms, DEP, Florida Land Trust Coaches from Nease and PVHS are putting together a trail that will connect the hogh schools for XC teams, etc. DEP interested in putting in a bridge for the EC. We need maps of public lands trails to get on the City 10 YR plan and the State of Florida 5 YR plan. It is coming together! Applying to the ELCO USDA Achievement award for $$ to help with future.
Sponsorship Update: Feedin Time and Shelton- Time to renew!
Treasurer: Donna Colee
General Checking: $17, 138.92
Jean Romine Trust: $21,439.81
Total funds as of Feb 12, 2017: $38,578.73
Public Relations: Tira- nothing new
Ayren and Julie asking for support from SJCHC for trip to State Show July 12-16. Terri- In the past the Council has given a donation to help with costs. Van suggested having a 50/50 raffle and bake sale at the next Drum Runners (July 1 @ 5pm) SJCHC will consider matching what the kids make at the bake sale.
Committee Reports:
- Bridgette- Open Show October (21 not good, same day as Cracker Day, another date will be chosen) and December 2. Start promoting show now!
- Poker Ride in the Fall; October 7th pending other scheduling- Terri.
- Drum Runners: May there were 29 tiders- $608 profit. June there were 41 riders $892 profit
- Schooling Jumping Show for the fall- Tina, contact Jaimee before next meeting. Update on Fund Jump day, possible two weeks prior to the show.
- Advisory Committee update- Terri- Scholarship program recipient broke her wrist. Committee is holding funds for her for next year, to be presented at the 4-H awards banquet.
6.Obstacle Day- October 14. Heather to run it. $10 to ride- no judge just to practice and play
- Starting a fun-jumping in the evenings? Tina will talk to Jaimee about colaborating
Judy Simms has collected $597.50 in Southern States coupons!! Keep clipping them!
Kristin Dunn has been using her Aetna Employee matching donation program… not sure if she means to be continuing to do so. Tina will ask her about it and thank her!
Schedule a General Meeting. Discuss starting an Education series and a Fun Night- Movie night, etc.
Christmas parade, Bev is planning on Angels this year.
EC Updates-
- small announcement board- Beverly- Jaque is too busy- Bev will pay for materials and someone else can do it. Lance agreed to do it.
- Josh will be grooming arena on Fridays- will update at next meeting
- Judges stand needs a fold-down table, chairs and sun screens. Power to be added. Bev will pay for parts, Donna will get a bid for labor.
- buy it and try it? Bev just ordered some for her arena. She will review them and if she likes them she will order one for the EC for us to try.
- plaque for judges stand has been ordered- thank you Van!
- TR3 implement w/ profiler- Van moved to purchase, Tina 2nd total of $5700. It will be ordered
Adjourned 8:35 PM