Show Registration Form Contestants must fill out a registration form for each rider/horse team Rules Patterns Information Register by Mail Exhibitor Name(Required)High Point Division(Required)Horse's Name(Required)Owner's Name(Required)Emergency Contact Number(Required)Address(Required)Country(Required)Number Classes Entered(Required)12345678Class #(Required)Class Name(Required)Class #Class NameClass #Class NameClass #Class NameClass #Class NameClass #Class NameClass #Class NameClass #Class NameYou can choose either a ALL Day option or to pay PER Class. SJCJC MemberMembers(Required) SJCHC Members ALL DAY -$75 Partial day (25$ per class) How many classes – SJCHC Member12345678Non Member (includes $10 membership fee)(Required) Non Members ALL DAY -$85 Partial day ($25 per class PLUS $10 membership fee) How many classes – Non Member12345678Total RELEASE FORM I, the undersigned, wish to participate in the St. Johns County Horse Council, Inc. Open Horse Show April 12, 2025 at the SJC Equestrian Center Smith Rd Hastings, FL. I understand that during portions of this event I will be in close proximity to one or more horses under circumstances which may expose me to some risk of injury, because of the nature of horses, the facility, and the activities in which I will be engaged. In consideration of the St. Johns County Horse Council, Inc. allowing my participation in this event, I, on behalf of myself, and my heirs, administrators, personal representatives, assigns and children and spouse, if any, do hereby agree to hold harmless, release and discharge St. Johns County Horse Council, Inc., which includes its officers, directors, members, agents, representatives, affiliates and insurers, of and from all claims, demands, causes of action and legal liability whether known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, due to the ordinary negligence of St. Johns County Horse Council, Inc. I shall not bring any claims, demands, legal actions or causes of action against St. Johns County Horse Council, Inc. for any damage or loss due to bodily injury, death or property damage arising out of my participation in this event. By signing this form, I agree to follow all rules and regulations of the SJCHC as pertains to the use of and conduct at the Equestrian Center located at 8200 Smith Rd. Hastings, FL. WARNING: Under Florida law, an equine sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities. Participants NameParticipant's SignatureJr Rider's Birth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Legal Guardian's Nameif participant is under 18 years of ageLegal Guardian's Signature