January 9, 2017 – Meeting Minutes

St. John’s County Horse Council
P.O. Box 538
Hastings, FL 32145

BOARD MEETING: January 9, 2017

 Meeting Begin 6:33pm

President: Ali Smith
Vice President: Van Baker

Secretary: Tina Sommer

Minutes for last meeting approved and filed

Greenways Trail Alliance: Judy Simms, Mary Farr (via phone) Linda Matzke was not present. SJCHC community involvement is necessary to further our goals of keeping open space. See handouts for additional information and talking points. Board voted unanimously to give $500 to the GTA for the coming year. Greenways Symposium February 16 at BTHS Please come wearing a pink shirt!

Sponsorship update: Fast Horse Photography has renewed their sponsorship for 2017! Beverly would like to send a thank you card to Lily’s parents who have insisted that they do not want any public recognition.

Treasurer:  Donna Colee

General Checking: $14,725.40 ($800 outstanding) $13,925.40
Jean Romine Trust: $21,439.81

Total Funds: $36,165.21

PR: Tira- events are updated on the website-need maintenance- there is a new tab “in the press” for news articles. Tira needs info on UNF show, Jumping shows and Horseination show. (we gave her dates and info for those)

Committee Reports:

  1. Bridgette- Dream Catcher Open Show NE FL dates for next year. Need to decide on dates. She is coordinating with Jaimee Hartley who has all of the area show schedules. Ali asked Bridgette to run the SJCHC Open Pleasure show in April. We voted to pay Bridgette $200 or 10% of proceeds, whichever is greater. Discussion ensued about getting a second PA system for the SJCHC. If Drum Runners is using the PA system every 1st Saturday that limits our schedule. Can we get WIFI at the EC? Bridgette suggested the need for a software system that can help to organize and streamline admin for shows. Tira-Can we register through the website? Tina has researched and come up with a website that offers that service. I will forward the email that I received to the council for review.
  1. Poker Ride in Spring? March 11th – will be smaller than the fall Poker ride. 50/50 and small raffle. Donna asked about the fees that Welaka is charging. SJCHC has donated a lot of time to the maintenance of the facilities. Judy will email Terri a list of what we have donated and Terri will talk to the Welaka main office.
  2. Drum Runners- 1/7/17- net profit $950.
    Drum Runners Sponsors: Fast Horse Photography, Pirate Museum/Colonial Quarters, Smart Storage Solutions, Kelly Tires.
  1. UNF Equestrian Team to use EC for intercollegiate horse show on January 20-21. Ali talked to James about dragging, watering and box-blading arenas to help the footing.
    Closed College Show. We need some repairs done before the show. Boards repaired and painted in the arenas, stalls painted. Ali suggested hiring someone at $10 per hour to update the arena, Judi made motion, Bev 2nd. Alil will hire someone to get the work done before the 20th.
  1. Obstacle Challenge in the Fall- Ali has confirmed that Holly will do one in the fall.
  1. Advisory Committee- Julie Beezley has sent information out “everywhere”. Tira put it up on the SJCHC website with criteria- Terri will get in touch with Geralyn at the 4-H office to have information at the 4-H Expo in May.
  1. April Show- April 22. Bridgette will run, see previous notes in section 1.
  1. Horseination Fun Show, Date has changed to March 18th.
  1. Email members- memberships due Jan 1, 2017. Nominating committee- Terri will get in touch with the committee and update the board.
  2. There are still 2 SJCHC FB pages- Terri will delete one.


  1. Small Announcement board- Beverly will have it up before January 20 for the UNF show.
  2. Spray stalls, also before UNF show. Will be done by hiree.
  3. FPL Dusk til Dawn lights have been installed- 3 lights down the middle of the two arenas.
  4. Fencing to be fixed before UNF show. James dumped the shavings bin (Thank you James!)
  5. Creeping Indigo update- County has gotten a quote of $1200 to have the EC sprayed. Once time… will this be effective? Parks & Rec needs to stop cutting it!! Ali will call Eddie to discuss. Beverly said Bruce from Diamond R says its not very difficult to get rid of- call them? Ali- County won’t let us.

Upcoming Events:
Jan 21- UNF Horse Show

Feb 4- Drum Runners #2

Feb 4- 4-H barn bash- Janet to bring 2 cakes to donate for cake walk- Tina will attend as SJCHC rep

Feb 25- Open Jumping Schooling Show

March 4- Drum Runners #4

March 11- SJCHC Poker Ride

March 18- Horseination Fun Show



Meeting Adjourned 8:12pm

Posted in Meeting Minutes.